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2021年1月12日,第一期以色列肾内科远程临床研修项目的开班仪式顺利举行,学员们正式开启为期三个月的以色列肾内科远程学习。开班仪式上,北京华通国康公益基金会陈冉理事长介绍了该项目的开展背景和意义,以及大家远程学习的目标和任务。陈理事长叮嘱学员们珍惜此次来之不易的学习机会,将所学所见所思带到各自的工作岗位,更好的服务于当地百姓健康。研修班学员纷纷表示,一定珍惜此次学习机会,遵守课堂纪律,多与海外专家互动交流,顺利完成三个月的线上研修学习任务。以色列哈曼医学中心副院长David Almog向大家详细介绍了以色列的医疗体系及哈曼医学中心的基本情况,他对中国医生参加此次项目表示热烈欢迎,并向大家介绍了此次肾内科带教专家David Tovbin教授团队。



  Case discussion and interaction


 带教导师David Tovbin教授讲座

 Tutor Prof. David Tovbin shaing lecture



Case sharing by participants


The First Session Israel Nephrology Remote Clinical Observation Program Successfully Held

In order to adapt to the changes of new situation and support clinical backbones to continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with internationally renowned medical institutions, Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation(BHGF) has launched the "Israel Nephrology Remote Clinical Observation Program", which will invite the famous EMEK Medical Center’s nephrology expert team provides online clinical teaching, helping medical professionals continue to realize their dream of participating in the overseas clinical observation. The program is designed for online, 2 sessions per week, including remote case discussions and theme lectures, etc., and interacting with tutors on professional issues.


On January 12, 2021, the opening ceremony of Israel Nephrology Remote Clinical Observation Program was successfully held. Chinese doctors specialized in nephrology formally started their three-month remote nephrology learning with tutors from the Israel. At the opening ceremony, Chen Ran, Chairman of the Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation, introduced the background and significance of the program, as well as the goals and tasks of remote learning. Chairman Chen urged the participants to cherish this hard-won learning opportunity and bring what they have learned, what they have seen and thought to their work, and better serve the health of local people. Participants of the program said that they would cherish this learning opportunity, abide by classroom discipline, interact with overseas experts more, and successfully complete the three-month online training task. David Almog, Vice President of Israel EMEK Medical Center, introduced the Israel medical system and the basic situation of EMEK Medical Center . He warmly welcomed Chinese doctors to participate in this program and introduced the nephrology expert teaching team leading by Professor David Tovbin.


Israel Emek Medical Center located near Haifa which is the largest port city of Israel, was founded in 1921. As the country's first regional hospital, it served nearly half million people.Since its establishment , EMEK Medical Center has been actively practicing the highest internationally standards of health care and patient safety, was the first Israel hospital to receive JCI certification.EMEK Medical Center is one of the largest regional and national referral hospitals in Israel, with priority in providing referral services to three hospitals in Nazareth.



1、侯 西








