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      2019年3月23日--31日期间,在北京华通国康公益基金会(Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation, BHGF)的支持下,2019 年赴美国约翰霍普金斯大学药学研修项目顺利完成。  
为保证项目顺利安全进行, 北京华通国康公益基金会(BHGF)于3月22日晚在北京组织召开了本期研修项目行前会。行前会上,北京华通国康公益基金会(BHGF)卫生管理项目部部长郭林女士进行致辞,希望本期研修班学员能秉承往期学员优良的学习作风,取得更加出色的成绩,同时希望学员们遵守秩序、注意安全,圆满完成研修项目,传播公益基金会的爱心并助力于中国卫生事业发展。  



Ms. Guo Lin,Director of Health Management Department in BHGF, delivered her speech.



Mr. Xu Yonggang, Party Secretary of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital, delivered his speech


Fang Qingxia, the Director of Pharmacy Department of ZhejiangPeople’s Hospital, delivered her speech


Awarding the group banners


Participant is asking questions


Participant is asking questions


Participants are taking notes


Experience Exchange Meeting


A visit to Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in School of Medicine, University of Maryland

约翰霍普金斯医疗系统副总裁、首席药剂师Daniel Ashby教授在结业仪式致辞

Professor Daniel Ashby, Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer of Johns Hopkins Health System, delivered his speech at the Closing Ceremony


Group Photo at the Closing Ceremony


Group Photo in front of the Johns Hopkins Hospital


2019 Pharmacy Education Program at Johns Hopkins University  Completed Successfully


During March 23 to 31 2019, under the support of Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), the 2019 Pharmacy Education Program at Johns Hopkins University was successfully completed. 


To ensure its successful completion, BHGF held the pre-trip meeting of this program in Beijing on March 22. At the meeting, Ms. Guo Lin, Director of Health Management Department in BHGF delivered her speech and expected the participants could hold the excellent learning style of past trainees, and perform better. Meanwhile they learn from overseas experts, they should also show Chinese experts’ professional level and attainment; she also hoped them to abide by local laws and regulations, pay attention to safety and complete the learning task successfully, spread the successful ideas and graceful love of BHGF and help to advance Chinese medical development.


Mr. Xu Yonggang, Party Secretary of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital was the political commissar, and Ms. Fang Qingxia, the Director of Pharmacy Department of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital was the group leader of program. They expressed that they will cherish this precious opportunity and abide by foreign regulations, take the whole group to actively engage in academic exchanges and cooperation with foreign counterparts. They will have a good job of organizing, coordinating, supervising and managing work to ensure the successful completion of the education and the overseas study tasks.


During the study, the participants focused on learning about Quality and Performance Improvement, Use of Information Technology in Operation and Management of Medication Use, Outpatient Pharmacy Services, Education and training of different levels of pharmacists and their licensing and accreditation, etc. They also visited to central pharmacy and out-patient pharmacy of Johns Hopkins Hospital and R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center from School of Medicine, University of Maryland. 


This project has received strong support and assistance from local health authorities. Up to now, several learning program have been well-completed held by BHGF and JHU; they will work together to select the presidents and key personnel of the health system management cadre to study abroad, at the same time, they will regularly hold high-level International conferences and forums on management medicine to create a platform of international cooperation for sustainable exchange, advancing the development of Chinese Medical Health Care.


The Johns Hopkins University (JHU), founded in 1876, is considered as the first research university in US, also known as the world's leading private university. Medicine and public health have always been the advantages of JHU. As the teaching and research hospital of JHU school of medicine, Johns Hopkins hospital ranks the top in the past 22 years in US. 











