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行前会上,由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会(Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation, BHGF)陈冉理事长进行了会议致辞。她表示,希望大家认真遵守国家外事规定,在外通过自身的良好言行来维护国家的形象;尊重当地的法律规定和宗教信仰,遵守以色列医院的规章制度、考勤纪律和尊重病人隐私的规定;明确学习目标和目的,在进修的过程中做到取长补短、开拓理念,最大化提升自身的学习能力,为今后所在医院的学科建设和团队发展贡献力量;同时希望大家在国外学习生活中互帮互助、团结友爱,注意安全,圆满完成此次学习任务,传播公益基金会的爱心和理念,带动更多医务人员和团队的成长,为百姓健康保驾护航。








梅尔医学中心隶属于 Clalit Healthcare Services(全球第二大健康维护组织),在以色列占有超过 50% 的市场份额。医学中心拥有 750 张床位和 100 多个科室、分部和门诊部,是沙隆地区的重要医学中心,为约80万居民提供服务。医院获得了由美国最大的、顶尖的认证机构 JCI(国际联合委员会)颁发的优秀医学中心最高认证。梅尔医学中心引领卓越和医疗质量,并将患者和员工的需求视为活动中心,同时开发创新医疗服务、教学和研究以促进以色列人民的健康。



On-site pre-trip meeting


BHGF Chairman Ms.Chen Ran was  

giving her speech at the meeting




Deputy director Yang Shougui from Guiyang Public Health Clinical Center serving as political 

commissar,gave his speech


Director Ding Shunbin from People's

 Hospital of Deyang City, serving as group leader



Ceremony of Wearing badge



Group photo at the pre-trip meeting


Department exchanges and photo with tutors



Department exchanges and photo with tutors



The on-site visit



Group photo

The Pre-trip Meeting of the First 

Group Advanced Training

 Project in Meir Medical Center  Successfully Completed


The pre-trip meeting of the first group advanced training project in Meir Medical Center  successfully completed for specialists had been successfully held in Beijing on April 23th, 2019. 12 elite doctors and nurses from different places of China were going to the Meir Medical Center of Israel for a 3-month training.


Ms. Chen Ran, chairman of Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), made a speech to all the participants. She expressed that she hopes that everyone can abide by the foreign affairs disciplines, and maintain the national image through one’s good behaviors and words. She hopes that all the trainees can respect the local laws, regulations, culture, customs and religion, obey the rules and regulations, attendance requirement and request of respecting the patients’ privacy of the hospital. She reminds the trainees to clear their study objectives and goals, to be able to draw on each other's strength and develop one’s concepts, to improve one’s study ability as much as possible, and to make a contribution to the future discipline construction and team development of the hospital. She also hopes that the trainees could stick together and help each other, pay attention to safety , accomplish the training task successfully. When they come back to China, they can spread the love and idea of the foundation and lead the growth of the medical staff and team to protect people’s health.


Deputy director Yang Shougui from Guiyang Public Health Clinical Center serving as political commissar, Director Ding Shunbin from People's Hospital of Deyang City serving as the group leader. They expressed that all the trainees deeply appreciated all the elaborate recommendation and effort made by BHGF and emphasized it’s a great opportunity to study Israel medical technique and everybody would cherish the chance to practice in clinical. Everyone needs to show themselves and the development of Chinese medical level to Israeli counterparts while learning advanced concept and technology. Each team leader also made a speech separately and expressed that they would work together to ensure the successful completion of this training. 


Ms. Bian Yulan, program officer, introduced the general information of BHGF and the ongoing international cooperation programs carried out by BHGF. She also put forward her sincere hope for the specialists and proposed some specific requirements for the doctors and nurses about studying aboard.  


We had specially-assigned person from the Meir Medical Center of Israel to manage the doctors’study-abroad performance and also provide security assurance for their daily life and accommodation in the training process in Israel. Relevant staff of the Chinese embassy in Israel will also visit the Chinese medical doctors and nurses studying in Israel regularly, and send them warmth and care. According to the trainees’different professions, they would be assigned to the corresponding departments, and their instructors would make the detailed training plans for them. The trainees were leaded to have multidisciplinary consultation, case analysis, operational observation, and etc.


The Meir Medical Center belongs to Clalit Healthcare Services, the world's second-largest health maintenance organization (HMO), with more than fifty percent market share in Israel. The medical center has 750 beds and more than 100 departments, divisions and clinics, and is an important medical center in the Sharon region, serving around 800,000 residents. The hospital received the highest certification from the Outstanding Medical Center awarded by JCI ( Joint International Commission), the largest and top certification body in the United States. The Mel Medical Center leads excellence and quality of medical care, and sees the needs of patients and employees as activity centers, while developing innovative medical services, teaching and research to promote the health of Israel.

来  源: 国际医药网

统 筹 :王宁     编辑:侯西










