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在由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会(Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation, BHGF)的组织协调下,2019年6月3日下午,第六期赴以色列Rambam医护研修项目的37名学员应中华人民共和国驻以色列大使馆的邀请,到中国驻以色列大使馆进行交流访问。其中10名研修学员志愿组成健康咨询医务团队,为驻以色列使馆的工作人员及家属提供健康咨询服务,并精选三种常见疾病进行预防保健科普宣传。










Political commissar Jin Rentao was introducing the basic information of the second team in Rambam


Political commissar Jin Rentao was introducing the basic information of the second team in Rambam




Group leader Huan Lijuan was offering oral health service for Embassy staffs and their family members




Trainee of the sixth cohort of Rambam program was offering medical service for Embassy staff




Trainee of the sixth cohort of Rambam program was offering medical service for Embassy staff



Trainee of the sixth cohort of Rambam program offering medical service for Embassy staff



Trainee of the sixth cohort of Rambam program offering medical service for Embassy staff


Group photo taken at the entrance of the

 Embassy of China in Israel 


Trainees in Rambam visited the embassy and provided medical consultation service


The sixth cohort of medical workers’ training program in Rambam provides volunteer medical consultation for the Embassy of China in Israel during the reception

Under the organization and coordination of Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF),  on the afternoon of June 3, 2019, the 37 sixth cohort of trainees who are of Rambam medical training project in Israel were invited by the Chinese Embassy in Israel and visited the Chinese Embassy. Ten of the trainees formed the volunteer clinic team providing medical consultations to Embassy staff and their families of China in Israel. And the volunteers carefully chose three common disease to introduce related prevention and health care.


Mr. Dai Yuming from the Chinese Embassy in Israel warmly welcomed the 37 trainees of the Rambam medical and research project, At the same time, he expressed heart-felt gratitude to the volunteers and offered his sincere hope that all of the trainees could succeed in studies. Mr. Dai hosted the subsequent lectures. In cervical spondylosis topic, he enjoyed with all of people with great interest. At the end of the activity, ambassador Zhan Yongxin took time out of his busy schedule to encourage every trainee. Counselor Cui Yunting, who is of Science and Technology Department, exchanged contact information with everyone,  and promised that the Ministry of Science and Technology will provide help and support for everyone according to the specific circumstances.


On behalf of the sixth cohort of the Rambam project and all the members of the delegation, Political commissar Jin Rentao who is from the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science of Technology of China expressed his heart-felt gratitude to the embassy and made a brief introduction of the members to the Embassy staff. The health consultation service included: rehabilitation medicine, neurology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, orthopedics, urology, general surgery, gynecology oral and reproductive medicine. They are dedicated to providing health advice to Embassy staff and their families. 


Adhering to the principle of public welfare, BHGF not only help medical and nursing staff go aboard and step toward the world, but also keep an eye on health of those overseas staffs. The trainees said that the activity not only further inspired patriotism, but also ideological baptism. They must integrate "benevolence and medicine for the benefit of the world" into their thoughts and improve their professional skills constantly; As general secretary Xi called for, “we will continue to make new contributions to improving people's health and write a new chapter in building a healthy China.”



统筹:王宁    编辑:侯西






