第七期赴英国曼彻斯特医护研修项目行前会分别于2019年4月27日下午、4月29日下午在北京顺利召开, 30名优秀医生们即将赴英国卫生服务系统下的英国曼彻斯特地区五家医院学习,完成为期三个月的研修任务。
行前会上,由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会(Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation, BHGF)陈冉理事长表示,希望大家能够在研修期间明确学习目标和目的,做到取长补短、开拓理念,最大化提升自己的学习能力,为今后所在医院的学科建设和团队发展贡献力量;同时希望大家在国外学习期间遵守当地的法律、法规及医院的规章制度;在学习生活中做到互帮互助、团结友爱,注意安全,圆满完成此次学习任务,将自己所学知识更好的服务于患者,传播公益基金会的爱心和理念。
Pre-trip meeting on site 1
Pre-trip meeting on site 2
Group Photo of Pre-trip meeting
Group Photo of Pre-trip meeting 2
Vice director Zhang Jiayu, from oncology department of Yichang Central Hospital served as Chief Secretary of this group, was delivering her speech
Group Photo of arriving in UK
Language Training in UK
On the afternoon of 27th and 29th April, under the support of The BHGF, The Pre-trip Meeting of the 7th Session of Medical Specialists for Training Programme around Manchester of UK organized by Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), was held respectively and successfully in Beijing. 30 excellent physicians are scheduled to fulfill the three-month training task in 5 hospitals around Manchester areas. The 5 British host hospitals all belong to the National Health Service system of United Kingdom. At the Pre-trip meeting, Chen Ran, Chairman of Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), hoped that all the trainees should make their study objectives and goals clear, draw on each other's strength and develop one’s concepts to improve one’s study ability as much as possible, and to make a contribution to the future discipline construction and team development of the hospital. She also hoped that the trainees could abide by the foreign affairs disciplines, local laws and regulations and the rules and requirements of Hospitals, stick together and help each other, accomplish the training task successfully. She also hoped that the trainees can have great learning result, familiarize with the public benefit activities participation of the foreign peers, and apply what they’ve learnt to the better service for the patients, spread the love and idea of the Foundation. Vice director Zhang Jiayu, from oncology department of Yichang Central Hospital served as Chief Secretary of this group; Director Gu Pengying, from Geriatric department of Anhui Provincal Hospital, served as Commander of this group; Ms Zhang and Ms Gu expressed that this training is a golden opportunity, they shall lead the group members to cherish the learning opportunities of clinical observation, carry out academic exchanges with foreign counterparts actively, and work jointly to set a good example in organization, coordination and supervision of management to ensure the successful completion of this training. Other group leaders made speeches respectively and expressed that they would learn hard, consciously abide by the regulations, take care of each other, try their best to fulfill the training task in UK, and submit a high quality report after returning home in the end. Experts of language and medical science are invited in this programme to provide a two-week centralized training for members, in which English courses and brief introduction of England medical system are included. After that, every doctor will be assigned into corresponding department to do clinical observation in accordance with their majors, and study foreign advanced health care service system, clinical medical diagnosis technology and management specification. During the stay in the UK, BHGF has provided good accommodation for every participant. Participants will also have the opportunity to attend case analysis seminars, and take part in different forms of clinical observation and hands-on activities. They also have the chance to learn about the most advanced health care systems, diagnostic techniques and management practices. 来源:国际医药网 统筹:王宁 编辑:侯西