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2019年5月8日下午,第七期赴意大利那不勒斯医护研修项目行前会在北京顺利召开。32名优秀医护人员赴意大利那不勒斯国家肿瘤研究中心(I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori“Fondazione G. Pascale”)进行为期三个月的临床研修任务。  
那不勒斯国家肿瘤研究中心是意大利南部地区主要的肿瘤学IRCCS机构,也是意大利全国以及坎帕尼亚大区肿瘤研究网络的前沿参照中心。参议员乔瓦尼· 帕斯卡莱(Giovanni Pascale)于1933创建了该机构,并在1940年获得了第一个科研属性认证。自那时以来,该研究所就逐渐积累了其在肿瘤疾病诊断和治疗方面的悠久历史并开展了一系列创新临床和转化研究活动。该研究所还致力于为肿瘤患者解决更广泛的问题,从营养问题到心理援助,从疼痛治疗到姑息治疗,以及肿瘤疾病最棘手阶段的问题。



On site pre-trip meeting


Photo of wearing badges



Chief Surgeon, Huang He from Zigong First people´s Hospital , serving as group leader, made


Chief pharmacist, Tang Liqin from Anhui Provincial Hospital, serving as commander, made her speech




Deputy chief physician Hao Zhi from Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, serving as vice 

group leader, made his speech



Group Photo after Pre-trip meeting


Welcome reception in Naples


The Pre-trip Meeting of the 7th Group Naples Medical Training Program in Italy

On the afternoon of 8th May 2019, with the support of BHGF The Pre-trip Meeting of 7th Group Naples Medical Training Program in Italy organized by Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), was held successfully in Beijing. Thirty two physicians, are scheduled to fulfill their three-month training task in I.R.C.C.S (Istituto Nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori“Fondazione G. Pascale).

At the meeting, Mr Li Jingbing, the head of the medical department of BHGF , expressed his sincere welcome to the doctors, expecting that the trainees to cherish the hard-won opportunity, to communicate with foreign counterparts, set clear learning goals and objectives, and to improve their learning ability. Through the training, every trainee can make contribution to the hospital discipline construction and the team development in the future. He especially stressed on the specific regulations and precautions of this training. He expected all the observers should abide the local laws and regulations, pay attention to safety issues and complete the learning task successfully. After coming back to China, all of the trainees should submit a high quality study report, spread the ideas of Foundation, encourage more medical staff to take actions for public health.

Dr. Tang Liqin, Deputy director of the pharmacy department from Anhui Provincial Hospital,Chief Surgeon Huang He from Zigong First people’s Hospital and Deputy chief physician Hao Zhi from Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University who were appointed as the team leader expressed that they do appreciate all the elaborate preparation offered by BHGF. They emphasized that it's a great opportunity to study Italian medical technique and everybody will cherish the chance to take active practice at clinical service. We need help and care each other, share experiences as much as possible. They are going to show the development of Chinese medical level to Italy counterparts while learning advanced concept and technology. Each team leader separately made their speech as well. They expressed their determination to work together as a whole team and achieve the training goal.

The hospital paid highly attention to this program and had made a detailed reception program to manage the doctors’ study abroad. They will provide security assurance for trainees’ daily life and accommodation in the training process. The trainees would be assigned to corresponding departments according to their professions, and the instructors would make a detailed training plans for each participant. The trainees would have multidisciplinary consultation, case analysis, operational observation and practice simulator operation, etc.

The National Cancer Research Center of Naples is the leading oncology I.R.C.C.S institution in southern Italy and the leading reference center for cancer research networks in Italy and Campania. Senator Giovanni Pascale founded the agency in 1933 and obtained the first scientific property certification in 1940. Since then, the Institute has accumulated a long history of diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases and has carried out a series of innovative clinical and translational research activities. The Institute is also working to address a wider range of issues for cancer patients, from nutritional issues to psychological assistance, from pain management to palliative care, and to the most difficult stages of cancer.


来  源:国际医药网

统  筹:王宁   编辑:侯西



