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汉中市中心医院 —北京华通国康公益基金会合作三周年回顾


为进一步推动医院学科建设和人才培养工作,在提升医疗质量的同时提升现有人才队伍素质,我院于 2016年3月与国际应急管理学会医学委员会和由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会建立了合作关系,自此通过此国际化平台将优秀医护人员源源不断地送出国门学习,秉承“走出去,引进来”的学习理念,将我院的学科建设和人才培养工作推上了新的高度。  
由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会(缩写BHGF) 是经国家民政部门批准成立的知名公益慈善组织,其在做好慈善活动的同时,还积极为医疗机构的发展提供帮助。通过整合国内外医疗资源,为国内医疗机构建立持久的、双向的交流渠道,努力搭建一个包括医疗管理、专业技术、医疗创新、新成果推广在内的多元化国际交流合作高端平台。  



Attending academic conference

 (Chen Jianhua, in Harvard, USA)



Ward inspection and discussion with tutor 

(Hou Xinli, in Siena, Italy)


Surgery Observation (Dongjin, in Toscana, Italy)



Surgery Observation (Zhou Xinli, in Paderborn,German)



Surgery Observation (Wuwei, in Paderborn,German)



Academic discussion (Bian Weina, in NewYork,USA)



Case discussion (Pangbo, in Sassari, Italy)


Academic meeting (Zhengrong, in Sassari, Italy)








Conservation between Chenran, the chairman of BHGF, and Director of St.Patrics Mental Health Centre (Yu Qijin, in Dublin, Ireland)


Group photo of trainees (Weiying, in Paris, France)


Group photo of trainees (Zhangkun, in Beijing)


Group photo of trainees (Bian Weina, in NewYork, USA)




Group photo of trainees (Huang Zhigang, in Napoli,Italy)



Group photo of trainees (Huangwei, in Bielefeld,German)

The Third Anniversary: A Review of Cooperation between Hanzhong Central Hospital &Beijing  Huatong Guokang Fundation  
                                                                                    Xue Ziyao

To further promote the medical discipline construction and the talent cultivation, and to improve the quality of medical service and the staff team at the same time, Hanzhong Central Hospital has established the cooperation relation with The International Emergency Management Society Emergency Medical Committee and Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation in the March of 2016. Under the concept of ‘going out and bringing in’, Outstanding medical workers have been sent abroad for further study since then, which has greatly improved the discipline construction and talent cultivation work.

Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation(BHGF),a renowned charity institution sanctioned by the National Ministry of Civil Affairs, has always made its efforts to support medical institutions in their developments while managing the charity work at the same time. Through the integrating domestic and oversea medical resources, the foundation has built up a diversified international platform for domestic hospitals, which covers the content of medical management, techniques, innovations and spreading new achievements.

Looking back on the cooperation between the two sides, Hanzhong Central Hospital have sent academic leaders and outstanding young doctors, in the total number of 28, to prestigious medical institutions, which mainly locate in the United States, France, Italy, German, Israel etc.,covering the majorsofPediatrics,Obstetrics,Otolaryngology,Clinical,laboratory,science,Stomatology,Orthopedics,Neurology,Medical,oncology,Cardiology,Gastroenterology,Neurosurgery,Urology,Oncology,Surgery,General Surgery,Pharmacy, Nephrology and Nursing care.

Despite of language barriers at their arrivals, those trainees made great changes and soon adapted themselves to the new life and work. Though there were culture differences, all medical workers were shouldering much same tasks, same responsibilities to patients, and same enthusiasm to work. On this basis, the trainees, tutors, and other working staff had set up a fiduciary relationship between each other. They fully engaged themselves to the clinical study and discussion, and also participated in the morning meeting, ward inspection, case discussion and academic conference, of which the content covered medical system optimization,relation between doctors and patients, management experience, diagnosis and treatment methods, medical front edge, medicine application, robotic surgery, and discussion of typical diseases.

By studying overseas, the trainees have met different medical systems and learned valuable clinical experience, through which our current work can be compared with, and the stereotyped thinking can be changed, so that we can look into the procedures and details that can be practically ameliorated. The trainees have also shared the experience with colleagues in their department after coming back. Although they had studied in different countries, they all have learned something in common: strict clinical management and regulations, effective hospital mechanism, skillful medical staff, ubiquitous humanism, detailed job responsibility, clarified medical procedure, full observation to clinical guidelines , deeply rooted infection control, high-Informatization, economy in labour and costs, versatile doctors with perfect skills, and serious attitudes towards work and patients.  Moreover, the deeply rooted humanistic care facilitates patients everywhere in the hospital, and the relation between doctors and patients are harmonious. In the strong academic atmosphere,the elder doctors guide young doctors while the young are diligent to learn, whose realistic and practical spirits in science are admirable. It can be seen that there are much to learn, and much to improve in our current work. Having been to different medical institutions around the world, all trainees are full of gratitude to have such opportunities offered by BHGF and gain the support from the hospital.

Along with the development of the national medical service, public hospitals’ development would be more challenging and contemporary,so the development plan should be set in a longer term, and also put into practice, which may finally benefit patients.  Holding onto this belief, Hanzhong Central Hospital has sent outstanding doctors and nurses abroad one after another, which brings vigor to our clinical and management work.

Thanks to the cooperation with BHGF, every trainee can not go abroad for further study without the support from the working staff of BHGF. We are full of gratitude to your excellent team, your help, and your escort for every trainee! Thank you for building up such a premium platform and accelerating the development of our national medical service.



统筹:王宁     编辑:侯西










