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       2019年3月27日, 在陕西省卫生健康委员会的支持下,陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作单位北京华通国康公益基金会(BHGF)对陕西省内参加2019年海外研修项目的医务人员进行英语选拔工作。考试前,陕西省卫健委办公室王辉督查专员、BHGF陈冉理事长、西安市卫健委科教处蒋群喜处长、陕西省人民医院副院长张玉莲等领导莅临考场与考生见面并鼓励考生消除紧张情绪,沉着应考,并与现场与考生交流互动。BHGF医护项目部李金兵部长介绍目前开展项目的基本情况,并讲解考试流程和注意事项,考试开始之前,还特别安排考官与考生见面,缓解考试压力。通过组织方的精心安排、考官的辛勤付出、考生们的积极参与配合,考场秩序井然;在多方的共同努力下,选拔考试工作顺利完成。


Shaanxi Health and Family Planning Commission office supervisor Wang Hui give her speech


Chairman of BHGF Chen Ran give her speech


Director of Xi’an Health and Family Planning Commission Jiang Qunxi give his speech


Vice-president of Shaanxi People’s Hospital Zhang Yuliangive her speech


sealing off the test paper and showing to participants




Waiting Hall in Shaanxi Province

         为进一步推动高层次临床医学人才的培养工作,提升医院的学科建设和医疗服务水平,陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)于2019年起与北京华通国康公益基金会(BHGF)合作,开展医护人员国际研修项目,每年定期分批组织各专业领域医护骨干人员赴美国、加拿大、英国、瑞典、爱尔兰、意大利、德国、法国、荷兰、澳大利亚、以色列、日本等国家知名医疗机构进行为期3个月及以上的临床研修学习,研修内容包括专业技术的培养与管理能力的提升。赴国外研修的学员将通过理论学习和临床观摩相结合的方式,与国外导师进行面对面交流和互动。为确保医护人员国际研修项目健康、持续、有序地发展,本着公开、公平、公正的原则, SIMEA和BHGF每年都会针对拟派出学员组织进行英语口语能力选拔考试,遴选出符合国外医疗机构研修标准的学员,以保证境外学习质量,使学员真正做到学有所成。



On site oral test



The English Speaking Test for Medical Personnel  Overseas Training Programs in Shaanxi Province successfully  completed


On March 27th through December 1st, 2019, with the support of Shaanxi Health and Family Planning Commission , SIMEA partner BHGF has completed the examination for medical personnels. Before the test, Supervision commissioner Ms Wang hui from Shaanxi Health and Family Planning Commission ,BHGF Chairman Ms. Chen Ran , Director of Xi’an Health and Family Planning Commission science and education department Mr. Jiang Qunxi and Vice-president Ms Zhang Yulian from Shaanxi People’s hospital met the examinees and gave encouraging words to them to resolve emotional tension and keep calm .Mr. Li Jinbing, program leader of medical and nursing department of BHGF introduced training programs in different countries of and explained in detail the procedures of the exam and matters needed attention, then answered the examinees ’questions. Before the test, the examinees were arranged to meet the examiners to get their pressures relieved. Through the organization’s excellent arrangement as well as the examiners’ hard work and students’ positive cooperation, the examination was well arranged; in the joint efforts of many aspects, the test was successfully completed.


The leaders of Shaanxi’s hospitals and health bureau pay high attention to high-class talent cultivation. Through a series of active guidance and comprehensive selection, the doctors and nurses with solid professional skills and proficiency in English and strong will for self-improvement will get the opportunity to go abroad for further education, so as to truly drive and promote the establishment of hospital faculties and to enhance overall competencies of the working team. 


To further promote high-level clinical personnel training, and to strengthen international exchange and cooperation for healthcare professionals, with the support from Shaanxi internationgal Medical Exchange Promotion Association(SIMEA) and Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF) organized international training programs for the doctors and nurses. Every year, groups of key professional medical personnel are sent to America, Canada, England, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Holland, Israel and other well-known international medical institutions for a 3-month study project to enhance their specialty and management ability. Students will have face-to-face communication with foreign teachers through the way of combination of theoretical study and clinical observation. In order to ensure the development of the international programs in line with the principle of openness, fairness, impartiality, the selection examination is held by SIMEA and BHGF every year, and the selected students need to meet the requirements of foreign medical institutions to ensure the quality of training and to help them achieve more.


SIMEA and BHGF will keep assisting health care development and providing a series of subsequent opportunities of participating in the international academic forum and scientific research for the doctors and nurses who have finished their overseas training. The foreign mentors will also be invited to Chinese hospitals for friendly exchange in which their students are working for in order to build long-term cooperative mechanism.





