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        2019年3月20日下午,第六期医护人员赴以色列Rambam医院(Rambam Health Care Campus)研修项目行前会在北京顺利举行,37名来自全国各地的优秀骨干医生赴以色列瑞本医疗中心完成为期三个月的国外进修任务。


Pre-meeting Site



Chairman Chen Ran giving a speech



The head of the study team giving a speech



Group Photo

      RAMBAM医院是一家大型医疗和医学教育科研中心,是以色列国防军总后勤医院和以色列北部最大的医疗中心,直属于著名的以色列理工学院Rappaport 医学院,后者曾有两位教授获得诺贝尔化学奖。医院目前1000张病床、医生1034名、护理人员1600人、医疗辅助人员约2000余人,医疗服务覆盖以色列北部200多万人并延伸至周边的中东国家,为12家地区医院的三级转诊中心,也是JCI认证医院。医院同时拥有RuthRappaport 儿童医院、Fishman肿瘤中心和心血管医院等“院中院”显示其在这些专业中的较强实力。

Group photo in RAMBAM hospital, Israel


Activities in RAMBAM hospital


Observing the operation


Pre-trip Meeting of the 6th Group for Israel Rambam Hospital Training Project Organized by BHGF Held Successfully


Pre-trip meeting of the 6th group for Israel Rambam Hospital training project, organized by BHGF, was held in Beijing successfully on the afternoon of March 20th, 2019. 37 professional doctors from various regions of China would go to Rambam hospital for a 3-month training.


Ms. Chen Ran, chairman of Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), made a speech to all participants. She expressed her hope that everyone could abide by the foreign affairs disciplines, and maintain the national image through one’s good behaviors and words. She hopes that all trainees respect the local laws, regulations, culture, customs and religion, obey the rules and regulations, attendance requirement and the same of respecting the privacy of patients.  She also hoped that the trainees could stick together and help each other, pay attention to safety , accomplish the training task successfully. When they come back to China, they could spread the love and idea of the foundation and lead the growth of the medical staff and team to protect people’s health. 


The program was headed by researcher Rentao Jin from Anhui Provincial Hospital , the team leader is Dr. Ying Cai from Wuxi People’s Hospital, and vice team leader is Lijuan Huang from Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University. Mr. Jin said that he would cherish this hard-won clinical training opportunity, actively carry out academic exchanges with foreign counterparts, through collaboration, organization, coordination and supervision to ensure the smooth completion of the training. Other trainees also made separate speeches, saying that they will cherish this training opportunity, to unite and love, consciously abide by various rules and regulations, work together to successfully complete overseas study tasks, and submit a high-quality study report before returning home.


Mrs. Yulan Bian, who is responsible for the program, introduced the general information of BHGF. She proposed some specific requirements for the doctors about studying aboard. 


RAMBAM Hospital is a large medical and medical education research center. It is the Israel Defense Forces General Logistics Hospital and the largest medical center in northern Israel. It is directly affiliated to the famous Rappaport Medical School of Israel Institute of Technology. The latter had two professors who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The hospital currently has 1,000 beds, 1,034 doctors, 1,600 nursing staff, and more than 2,000 medical assistants. The medical service covers more than 2 million people in northern Israel and extends to the surrounding Middle East countries. It is a tertiary referral center for 12 regional hospitals. It is also a JCI certified hospital. The hospital also has RuthRappaport Children's Hospital, Fishman Oncology Center and Cardiovascular Hospital, which show its strong strength in these areas.







