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Visiting the hospital



Listening to the lecture carefully




Presenting the gifts



Awarding programme certificates

      台北医学大学附设医院(以下简称北医附医)是台北医学大学第一所附属医院,成立于1976 年,目前病床数近800 床,提供内、外、妇、儿等28 个医疗专科及59 个医疗次专科服务,员工人数逾两千人,是台北市一流大学医院。北医附医深耕质量和病人安全的提升,2012 年通过「世界卫生组织小区安全推广协进中心」之「国际安全医院」认证,成为全球第一家通过认证的医院。三度通过美国国际医院评鉴JCI 荣誉、第21届台湾质量奖、卫生署医院评鉴特优医院、第一届台湾训练质量奖及多项ISO 认证,持续提升医疗服务质量,实践「以病人为中心」之核心价值。

The 154st Hospital Management Cadres Training Program in Taiwan Successfully Completed


From March 25th to 31st,2019, the 154st Hospital Management Cadres Training Program in Taiwan was successfully completed in Taipei Medical University Hospital. The trainees were composed of 12 management cadres appointed by Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital. 


The training program in Taiwan has been highly attached importance and strongly supported by Taiwan Affair Office of Jiangxi Provincial Government and Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital. The leaders of the two institutions put forward their expectations and hope for the trainees who were to study in Taiwan respectively. The trainees were required to strictly obey the political discipline, and to conduct the visit in a good, safe and well-educated manner. The trainees were also expected to learn the advanced management experience of hospitals in Taiwan and make positive contributions to the further development of the hospital.


During this program, the trainees visited Taipei Medical University Hospital for 7 days. Through learning the modern function construction of hospital, feeling strong cultural atmosphere, learning advanced management mode and people-oriented sevice concept, the trainees had a preliminary understanding of the management mode and development status of hospitals in Taiwan. Trainees unanimously reflected that this period of research and study harvest is quite rich, which had updated their concept of management, improved the consciousness of scientific management, strengthened the department's comprehensive management ability,and it will be very helpful to their future work in hospital management.


Taiwan's medical service level is leading in Asia,and Taiwan has 14 of the world's top 200 hospitals, second only to America and Germany. Taiwan hospitals pay special attention to medical quality and safety. Each hospital has its own quality control department, convenient medical consultation system, perfect volunteer service system and mature doctor-patient dispute settlement scheme.


BHGF gives full play to the platform advantage of international resources and public welfare support, not only pay attention to the content and effect of learning, but also pay more attention to the outcomes of the trainees' work after their study. In the future, Taiwan experts will also be regularly invited to the mainland hospitals for exchange, and through the two-way communication mode of "sending out, inviting in" , BHGF will provide help and support for personnel training, medical care quality and subject construction.


Taipei Medical University Hospital, which is the first affiliated hospital of Taipei Medical University, was founded in 1976.The hospital has nearly 800 beds, and more than 2,000 staff. The hospital provides medical services of 28 specialties and 59 sub-specialties, which includes internal medicine, surgery department, gynecology department, and paediatrics etc. The hospital is a first-class university hospital in Taipei. It strives to improve care quality and patient safety. The hospital was certified as an international safe hospital by WHO Community Safety Promotion Collaborative Center in 2012, and became the first hospital in the world to be certified. The hospital has been certified by JCI three times,won the 21st Taiwan quality award,and 1st Taiwan training quality award with many ISO certification. The hospital has been appraised for being excellent by the Department of Health. The hospital continues to improve the quality of medical service and practice the core value of "patient-centered".




