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Group Photo in pre-trip meeting

      为保证项目顺利安全进行, 北京华通国康公益基金会(BHGF)于2019年3月22日在北京组织召开了本期研修项目行前会。行前会上,北京华通国康公益基金会(BHGF)卫生管理部郭林部长对本期学员表示诚挚的欢迎, 她还介绍了基金会目前现有的项目情况和新加坡项目背景,并就国外研修期间的注意事项提出了具体的要求,希望大家在新期间多与国外同行交流学习,同时需要注意遵守当地的法律和法规,回国后更好的为当地百姓健康服务。



Ms. Guo Lin, Director of Healthcare Management Department of BHGF was delivering her speech

      胜利油田中心医院的刘冠国院长担任此次研修项目的政委, 他表示非常荣幸能够参加本期项目研修学习,一定会珍惜此次交流学习机会,严格遵守国家外事纪律要求,努力学习,开拓国际视野。在研修期间,团结友爱,服从项目组织安排,共同努力,圆满完成境外学习任务。

Mr. Liu Guanguo, President of Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital was delivering a speech



Banners Awarding


Badges Wearing

      此次研修项目为BHGF与新加坡合作的第四十期医院管理研修项目, 项目在课程和参访的安排上非常契合学员需求,能够充分保证学员所学能有所用。新加坡医院作为国际优质医疗服务的标杆, 拥有一流的医疗保健体系, 其医疗水平和显著的治疗效果全球闻名。对于国内的很多医院来说, 无论是在医疗质量管理、医疗服务水准, 还是在医院管理模式方面, 都有很多地方值得学习和借鉴。


A Singapore teacher was delivering a lecture


The trainee was making a summarized speech at experience-sharing meeting


Interaction during class


Graduation Ceremony

      BHGF今后还将持续搭建中国医院与国际顶级医疗机构的交流合作平台, 通过“送出去、请进来”的双向交流方式, 为中国医院在人才培养、医疗质量和学科建设等方面提供公益性帮助和支持,助力于卫生事业发展,造福于百姓健康。



Group Photo in Singapore Farrer Park Hospital


Group Photo in Singapore Changi General Hospital

The 40th Hospital Management Training Program in Singapore Completed Successfully


“The 40th Hospital Management Training Program in Singapore” has been completed successfully from March 23rd to 29th, 2019. Totally 30 hospital management staff attended the program.


In order to ensure the program going smoothly and safely, Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF) organized a pre-trip meeting for this program in Beijing on March 22nd, 2019. At the pre-trip meeting, Ms. Guo Lin, Director of the health care management department, gave her welcome to the trainees and introduced the background of Singapore program and the present situation of the programs of BHGF. She also raised the specific dos and don’ts when studying abroad. She hope that the trainees could exchange more with domestic and overseas counterparts in Singapore, observe the local laws and regulations, and better serve the health of the local people when they came back to China.


Mr. Liu Guanguo, President of Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital, served as the Political Commissar of this group. He felt very honored to attend this training program and said he would cherish this training opportunity, strictly followed China’s foreign affairs discipline, study hard and broaden the international horizon. Mr. Liu hoped that everyone would take care of each other and observe the organization arrangement, so as to lead the trainees to successfully complete learning task abroad.


During the training in Singapore, the trainees focused on the subjects of Singapore medical system, hospital management process and hospital management culture. In the classroom, through Singapore lecturer’s vivid explanation the trainees were quite impressed with the similarities and differences of Singapore and China’s medical systems and appreciated Singapore management and operation modes. In addition, the trainees also visited the very representative Changi General Hospital (CGH) and the famous private hospital in Singapore Farrer Park Hospital. Through this training program, the trainees not only got further unsterstanding on Singapore medical system, medical reform and development and hospital operation management, but also felt deeply impressed with Singapore's unique urban management and humanistic environment.


This is the 40th hospital management training project and the whole courses and hospital visits matched most trainees’ requirements. As a model of execellent international medical services, Singapore’s Hospitals has a first-rate healthcare system, and its medical level is well-known around the world. For many domestic hospitals in China, there are many places worth learning and drawing on, either in the management of medical quality, the level of medical services, or the mode of hospital management. 


BHGF will continue to build an exchange and cooperation platform between Chinese hospitals and top international medical institutions. Through the two-way communication approach of “sending out and inviting in”, BHGF will provide charitable assistance and support for Chinese hospitals in personnel training, medical quality, and discipline construction, aiming at facilitating the development of healthcare and bringing benefits for the local people.









