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2019年5月17日下午,由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会(Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation,BHGF)组织的第五十期赴英国医护研修项目行前会议在北京顺利举行。7名来自全国的优秀医护团队赴英国NHS医疗服务体系下的英国帝国理工大学医院完成为期3个月海外进修任务。










英国伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London),又称帝国理工学院,或简称帝国理工,成立于1907年,位于英国伦敦,是英国罗素大学集团成员、金砖五校之一、欧洲IDEA联盟成员,是一所享誉全球的顶尖高等学府,在2014QS世界大学排名中名列第二。帝国理工与剑桥大学、牛津大学、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院并称为“G5超级精英大学”。





On-site photo




Dr. Wang Feng, from the Cadiovascular surgery Department, Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University serving as the commissar , making speech



Dr. Wu Jing from Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital, served as the group leader, delivering a speech





Group Photo


Good housing environment


Previous clinical observation


Previous clinical observation


Previous clinical observation


Previous clinical observation


Previous clinical observation


clinical observation


Pre-trip Meeting of the 50th Semester of Medical Specialists Training Program for UK Successfully Completed


Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF) organized the Pre-trip Meeting of the 50th Semester of Medical Specialists Training Program in UK. And it has been successfully held in Beijing on 17th May 2019. This medical group formed by 7 excellent specialists from different provinces in China were going to United Kingdom for a three-month study in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.


At the meeting, Ms. Sun Dahui, the deputy director of medical training department, from Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF), expressed her sincere welcome to the doctors, and stressed on the specific regulations and precautions of this training, expecting the trainees to cherish the hard-won opportunity, to communicate with foreign counterparts as much as possible, to set clear learning goals and objectives, in the process of study they can learn from each other, pioneering ideas, to maximize improve their learning ability. Through the training, to be able to draw on each other's strength and develop one’s concepts, to improve one’s study ability as much as possible, and to make a contribution to the future discipline construction and team development of the hospital. She also hoped that the trainees could stick together and help each other, pay attention to safety , accomplish the training task successfully. When they come back to China, they can spread the love and idea of the foundation and lead the growth of the medical staff and team to protect people’s health.


Mr. Wang Feng, from the Cadiovascular surgery Department, Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, served as the Commissar of this group, and Dr. Wu Jing from Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital served as the commander of this group. At the meeting, Dr. Wang and Dr. Wu on behalf of the group expressed that it was their honor to shoulder the great mission along with his dream. In addition, they stated that this opportunity for clinical training was very precious which they would cherish and they would help and care for each other, keep in touch with each other for further communication and share more experience, to present Chinese doctors‘ elegant appearance and medical research levels to the UK counterparts during this training. They also expressed that they would study hard, consciously abide by the regulations, take care of each other and try their best to complete the training in England sucessfully.


The 50th Medical Specialists Training Programme in The UK is one of the Chinese medical specialists training programmes in UK organized by BHGF. BHGF has already established cooperation with many prestigious British medical institutes, including the affiliated hospital of Brighton and Sussex Universities, the affiliated hospital of Imperial College London, the hospitals belonging to NHS foundation trust around Manchester areas, St. University of London hospital, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, etc. For the Chinese medical specialists training programme in UK, BHGF strives to select those who have fine English level, and good comprehensive quality, and send them to take the training in UK. In the training, the doctors’ performance had been highly praised by the British medical institutes; after their return to China, the learning effect also had received recognition by the doctors’ working hospitals in China.


Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF) engaged in building the exchange and cooperation platform between Chinese hospitals and the top international medical institutions, through the bilateral communication method of "sending out, inviting in”, to provide help and support for domestic hospitals regarding aspects of talent’s training and discipline construction, and constantly improve the administrative ability and medical services of the domestic hospitals.


Imperial College London, a public research university located in London,was formed in 1907. Imperial is a member of the Russell Group, G5, Association of Commonwealth Universities, League of European Research Universities, and the "Golden Triangle" of British universities. In the 2014 QS World University Rankings, Imperial is ranked in top two in the world. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is an NHS trust based in London. It is one of the largest NHS trusts in England and together with Imperial College London forms an academic health science centre. 


Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,established in October 2007. The Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust and St. Mary's NHS Trust are important part of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust currently manages five hospitals: Charing Cross Hospital; Hammersmith Hospital; Queen Charlotte and Chelsea Hospital; St. Mary's Hospital and Western Eye Hospital.


审核:王宁    编辑:侯西









