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不忘初心 牢记使命——赴爱尔兰研修团队在中国驻爱尔兰大使馆参加庆典活动








北京华通国康公益基金会( BHGF)秉承公益性原则,不仅让众多医护人员走出国门,与国际同行学习交流;同时时刻关注着学员在境外的学习生活情况。通过中国驻当地使馆工作人员探望和慰问,让研修学员感受到了祖国的温暖,进一步激发了爱国热情。学员们纷纷表示,将会努力珍惜并充分利用好在爱尔兰的研修学习机会,不断提高自身专业技能,不断为增进人民健康作出新贡献,为健康中国建设谱写新篇章。


The wife of the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland has a cordial conversation with Delegation



Officer of Chinese Embassy in Ireland and Delegation have a group photo

Never forget the beginning | Remember the mission

Training Delegation attended the celebration at the Chinese Embassy in Ireland


On September 14th, 2019, BHGF The 6th Medical Training Programme on Mental Healthcare at SPMHS, Ireland was warmly hosted by the leadership of the Chinese Embassy in Ireland to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and the upcoming 70th anniversary of China. Ms. Xia, wife of the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland, and Mr.Hong Jiqing, Director of Science and Technology Department, as well as relevant staff, attended the event.


Dr.Yue Yuchuan, Director of Nursing Department of Chengdu Fourth People's Hospital, said: "According to the relevant requirements issued by the Party Central Committee for carrying out the theme activities of"not forgetting the first intention and remembering the mission", we have fully integrated what we have learned with the actual situation at home by learning advanced foreign technology and practicing the scientific development concept. As students living in a foreign country, on this Mid-Autumn Festival reunion day, we misse our motherland and relatives. However, our motherland has not forgotten us, and our relatives have not forgotten us. Thank the BHGF for its care and help, so that we can celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with the leadership of the Chinese Embassy in Ireland.


The Ambassador's wife pointed out in  meeting with the students that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have been constantly striving for self-improvement, spent decades on the road of industrialization that developed countries have traveled for hundreds of years, carried out profound economic and social changes, and the long-suffering Chinese nation has achieved a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong. Leap. China and other countries in the world can not block the process of building a community of human destiny. As long as the Chinese nation unites as one and the descendants of Yan and Huang at home and abroad work together, they will surely achieve a better future of national unity, national reunion and people's happiness. In the exchange, Director Hong Jiqing constantly encouraged everyone to persevere in the study of business and provide better services for the whole people in medical services.


Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation (BHGF) upholds the principle of public welfare. It not only allows many medical and nursing staff to go abroad to learn and communicate with international counterparts, but also pays close attention to learning result and living conditions abroad. Through the visits and condolences of Chinese embassy staff, the trainees felt the warmth of their motherland and further stimulated their patriotic enthusiasm. The participants have expressed that they will make great efforts to cherish and make full use of the research and learning opportunities in Ireland, constantly improve their professional skills, continuously make new contributions to the improvement of people's health, and write a new chapter for the construction of a healthy China.


审核:王宁    编辑:侯西



