为保证项目顺利安全进行, 由陕西省国际医学交流促进会(SIMEA)合作的北京华通国康公益基金会于2019年7月5日下午在北京组织召开了项目行前会议。行前会上,陈冉理事长致辞并介绍了项目开展的背景和意义,强调大家要严格遵守国家的外事规定,遵守美国的法律法规、医院管理规定及当地风俗习惯;希望大家珍惜双向交流的学习机会,学习国际先进医院人力资源管理理念和提高人力资源管理能力,将所学知识运用于实际,造福当地医院。
本期项目由蚌埠市第一人民医院钟晓飞副院长担任政委, 深圳市妇幼保健院赵晓山副院长担任团长,河北省人民医院李强副院长和深圳市中医院谭志华纪委书记担任副团长。钟晓飞政委和李强副团长在行前会上代表学员致辞,他们表示一定会珍惜这次研修机会,严格遵守国家外事纪律要求,带领全体成员积极与国外同行进行学术交流,与全体学员一起协力做好组织、协调工作,保证顺利完成境外学习任务。
Ms. Chen Ran, Chairman of BHGF,
Delivered Welcome Speech
Mr Zhong Xiaofei, Vice President of Bengbu First People's Hospital Delivered Speech
Mr Li Qiang, Vice President of Hebei General Hospital Delivered Speech
Badge Giving Ceremony
Flag-giving Ceremony
Group Photo
Lecturer elegant demeanour in the Johns
Hopkins Medicine International
Lecturer elegant demeanour in the
Johns Hopkins Medicine International
Lecturer elegant demeanour in the Johns Hopkins Medicine International
Active interaction in the classroom
Participants listening to the professor’s lecture carefully
Participants listening to the professor’s lecture carefully
Visiting MICU of the Johns Hopkins University Hospital
Visiting National Institutes of Health
Experience Sharing Meeting
Certificate in Closing Ceremony
2019 Human Resource Management Exchange Program at Johns Hopkins University was Successfully Completed
From July 6th to 14th, 2019, Human Resource Management Exchange Program at Johns Hopkins University was successfully completed.
In order to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the program, Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation organized a pre-trip meeting of the program in Beijing on the afternoon of July 5th, 2019. At the pre-trip meeting, Chairman Chen Ran expressed sincere welcome to all the participants and introduced background and significance of this program. She emphasized that everyone must strictly abide by the regulations on the Administration of Foreign Affairs, abide by laws and regulations of USA, hospital management regulations and local customs. She hoped that everyone would take advantage of this training opportunity to learn international advanced human resource management concepts, improve management capability, apply what have learned to practice, and benefit the local hospitals.
Mr Zhong Xiaofei, Vice President of Bengbu First People's Hospital served as the Political Commissar of the Delegation; Mr Zhao Xiaoshan, Vice President of Shenzhen Maternity & Child Healthcare Hospital served as the Team Leader of the Delegation;Mr Li Qiang, Vice President of Hebei General Hospital and Mr.Tan Zhihua, Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection of Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital served as the deputy team leaders of the Delegation. Both Mr. Zhong Xiaofei and Mr Li Qiang gave a speech on behalf of all trainees respectively. They said that they would cherish this training opportunity, strictly abide by the foreign affairs discipline, lead all members to actively carry out academic exchanges with their foreign counterparts, and work together with all the participants to organize and coordinate the work to ensure the smooth completion of overseas study tasks.
During the period, the program team focused on Overview of US Healthcare System, Compensation Management, Performance Management, Recruitment and Onboarding Operations, etc. They also experienced field visit to MICU and NIH, which will be of great significance to strengthen the construction of Chinese hospitals and improve the level of hospital human resource management.
The Johns Hopkins University(JHU), founded in 1876, is considered as the first research university in US, also known as the world's leading private university. And John Hopkins Hospital(JHH) which is the Medical College of JHU,has ranked as the best hospital in USA for 21 consecutive years.