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2019年6月27日下午,第六期赴爱尔兰圣帕克精神卫生医护研修项目行前会议在北京顺利举行。8名来自全国各地医护骨干赴爱尔兰圣帕克精神卫生中心(St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, SPMHS)及其附属医院顺利完成了为期3个月的研修学习。该项目旨在培养精神卫生方向的高层次医护队伍,促进中国精神卫生医疗事业与国际接轨。  








为使学员能全身心投入到学习当中,项目组为学员在爱尔兰提供良好的住宿条件,并委派专人负责联络、管理学员境外学习事宜。爱尔兰圣帕克精神卫生中心(SPMHS) 位于爱尔兰的首都都柏林,是世界上成立最早的精神专科医院之一,成立于1746年,距今有270多年的历史。该中心不仅有悠久的历史,而且在精神卫生领域具有治疗技术全面、医学理念先进、精准用药和充满人文关怀等突出优势,是爱尔兰精神卫生领域的领头羊。目前SPMHS有超过700多名工作人员和7个社区的院长诊所,并为爱尔兰每个县都提供了一个精神卫生方面的护理网络。SPMHS是集教学、科研、创新为一体的一所现代化、高效、日益发展的精神卫生中心。  



Pre-trip meeting on site


 Huang Chengbing,deputy director of psychiatry department 

,the Third People’s Hospital of Huaian,act as the head of the group, delivered his speech  


Group photo


Group Photo in Ireland


Language Training in Ireland


Pre-trip Meeting for the 6th Session of Mental Health Training Programme at St Patrick University in Ireland was Held Successfully  


At the afternoon of 27/06/2019, the pre-trip meeting for the 6th Session of Mental Health Training Programme at St Patrick in Ireland was Held Successfully in Bejing. Eight health care professionals from all over the country went to St. Patrick's Mental Health Services (SPMHS) and its affiliated hospitals for a three-month study. It aims to train high-level medical and nursing teams in the direction of mental health and promote the integration of China's mental health undertakings with world-class standards.  


During the Pre-trip meeting, Ms. Chen Ran, Chairman of the foundation,  made a speech. She said that Ireland has advanced medical technology and concepts. It was also the first country in the world to legislate on mental health.Ireland's innovative medical research and advanced medical concepts, especially the humanistic care in the field of mental health in Ireland, are worth thinking and learning It is hoped that the students will cherish the hard-won opportunity to study in Ireland, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, develop and innovate in the process of study, maximize their learning ability, better serve local hospitals after returning home, promote discipline construction and benefit people's health.  


Wang Yuyan, group leader of England and Ireland program, Medical Staff Training Program Dept., BHGF, introduced the basic situation of the foundation to all participants and the international cooperation projects currently being carried out. She also introduced the points for attention of doctors and nurses who are going to study in Ireland.  


Yue Yuchuan, from The Fourth People’s Hospital of Chengdu served as the Political Committee of this project. Huang Chengbing, from The ThirdPeople’s Hospital of Huai’an served as Leader of the delegation. All the trainees unanimously expressed that they must cherish the opportunity of studying abroad, unite and love, consciously abide by various rules and regulations, work together to successfully complete the overseas learning task, and submit a high-quality study before returning Quantitative learning reports.   


In order to enable students to devote themselves to their studies, the program has provided good accommodation conditions and appointed special personnel to liaise and manage their overseas studies.The St. Parker Mental Health Center (SPMHS) in Ireland is located in Dublin, Ireland. It was founded in 1746 and has a history of more than 270 years. The center has a long history and is a leader in the field of mental health in Ireland, with outstanding advantages such as comprehensive treatment technology, advanced medical concepts, precise medication and full of humanistic care. At present, SPMHS has more than 700 staff and seven community clinics, and provides a mental health care network for every county in Ireland. SPMHS is a modern, efficient and growing mental health center integrating teaching, scientific research and innovation.Pre-trip Meeting for the 6th Session of Mental Health Training Programme at St Patrick University in Ireland was Held Successfully  


At the afternoon of 27/06/2019, the pre-trip meeting for the 6th Session of Mental Health Training Programme at St Patrick in Ireland was Held Successfully in Bejing. Eight health care professionals from all over the country went to St. Patrick's Mental Health Services (SPMHS) and its affiliated hospitals for a three-month study. It aims to train high-level medical and nursing teams in the direction of mental health and promote the integration of China's mental health undertakings with world-class standards.  


During the Pre-trip meeting, Ms. Chen Ran, Chairman of the foundation,  made a speech. She said that Ireland has advanced medical technology and concepts. It was also the first country in the world to legislate on mental health.Ireland's innovative medical research and advanced medical concepts, especially the humanistic care in the field of mental health in Ireland, are worth thinking and learning It is hoped that the students will cherish the hard-won opportunity to study in Ireland, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, develop and innovate in the process of study, maximize their learning ability, better serve local hospitals after returning home, promote discipline construction and benefit people's health.  


Wang Yuyan, group leader of England and Ireland program, Medical Staff Training Program Dept., BHGF, introduced the basic situation of the foundation to all participants and the international cooperation projects currently being carried out. She also introduced the points for attention of doctors and nurses who are going to study in Ireland.  


Yue Yuchuan, from The Fourth People’s Hospital of Chengdu served as the Political Committee of this project. Huang Chengbing, from The ThirdPeople’s Hospital of Huai’an served as Leader of the delegation. All the trainees unanimously expressed that they must cherish the opportunity of studying abroad, unite and love, consciously abide by various rules and regulations, work together to successfully complete the overseas learning task, and submit a high-quality study before returning Quantitative learning reports.   


In order to enable students to devote themselves to their studies, the program has provided good accommodation conditions and appointed special personnel to liaise and manage their overseas studies.The St. Parker Mental Health Center (SPMHS) in Ireland is located in Dublin, Ireland. It was founded in 1746 and has a history of more than 270 years. The center has a long history and is a leader in the field of mental health in Ireland, with outstanding advantages such as comprehensive treatment technology, advanced medical concepts, precise medication and full of humanistic care. At present, SPMHS has more than 700 staff and seven community clinics, and provides a mental health care network for every county in Ireland. SPMHS is a modern, efficient and growing mental health center integrating teaching, scientific research and innovation.  

