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Pre-trip meeting on site


Ms. Chen Ran, Chairman, is wearing badges for the trainees


Group photo after wearing the badges


Mr. Gao Yong from Henan Provincial People’s Hospital delivering a speech as the Head of the group 


Mr. Zhong Wenjie from First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology

delivering a speech as the Vice head of the group


Ms.Bian Weina from Hanzhong Central Hospital delivering a speech as the Vice head of the group


Group Photo



The trainees took a group photo after arriving in Ireland



The trainees studying in ITT Ireland




Accommodation for trainees In Ireland

Pre-trip Meeting for The 5th M.Sc. In Nursing Programme  

In Ireland Held Successfully  


Pre-trip Meeting for The 5th M.Sc. In Nursing Programme    

In Ireland Held Successfully    


On 19th June 2019, the Pre-trip Meeting for the 5th M.Sc. in nursing programme in Ireland was successfully held in Beijing. A total of 32 excellent backbone nurses would go to Ireland for one-year study of M.Sc.(master in science) degree in nursing. After graduation, they would receive a master's degree in nursing recognized by both the EU and the ministry of education of China, and enjoy the treatment of overseas students. The programme is to cultivate high-level clinical nursing talents, promote Chinese nursing science to be geared to international standards. Till now, nearly 140 excellent nurses have successfully obtained the master's degree in nursing in Ireland.    


Ms. Chen Ran, Chairman of BHGF, introduced the programme’s background and significance, the goal and mission of studying in Ireland. In recent years, Beijing Huatong Guokang Foundation(BHGF) has been committed to building an international learning platform for high-end nursing professionals, and has provided a number of public welfare support for nursing programs. She hoped trainees could cherish the training opportunities, study hard and finish studies smoothly to contribute to nursing development in China.    


Mr. Gao Yong from Henan Provincial People’s Hospital is the Head of the group, and she gave a speech at the meeting. He expressed gratitude to BHGF on behalf of the team for providing this good platform. They would cherish this opportunity, study hard, abide by foreign affairs discipline and get the master's degree in nursing smoothly. After returning to China, they would submit a satisfactory report and make contribution to Chinese nursing development. Mr. Zhong Wenjie from First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology served as Vice head of the group and Ms. Bian Weina from Hanzhong Central Hospital served as vice head of the group. Vice head and each team leaders respectively delivered their speeches, in which all they expressed that they would study hard, take care of each other, complete the learning task successfully in Ireland.    


In order to let the trainees focus on study, BFGH and Institute of Technology Tralee provided good accommodations for them in Ireland, and a professional staff was appointed to take charge of liaising and managing the trainees’ study abroad. After they return home, would also invite overseas tutors to visit trainees’ hospital and establish the communication mechanism for a two-way platform for the international exchange of Chinese nursing.     


Institute of Technology Tralee is a tertiary education institution in Ireland, with more than 5,000 students, including more than 500 international students. The Institute ranks the 12th among the Irish universities in the world university network (4ICU) and national universities. Among them, nursing professional level is in the leading position in Europe. The nursing and health care department aims to promote research and practice in the field of nursing.    


审核:王宁    编辑:侯西

